If you don’t have a format for writing briefs or how-to instructions for your team, then STOPTAT.

Operational planning

The gold standard for getting a team aligned on upcoming actions are always SOPs and templates. They are built to cater to a range of expertise, create expectations for what’s to come, tells them what needs to be done, and who needs to contribute at the right time.

In cases of non-repeatable or unexpected tasks, and SOPs may not exist yet, instructions/guides/briefs become a mode for an experienced members or task managers to communicate the needs of a project so that a team can coordinate the execution of work items. The goal of such a how-to guide or brief is to be an effective way for readers to find specific instructions that can help them overcome problems, gaps in knowledge and fulfil a task.

Clear actionable instructions is key, but the comprehensive way to give your team the ability to make good decisions and tackle challenges down the road can’t just be done with a step-by-step instruction. By breaking down the process into strategic, tactical, operational, and actionable elements, the task manager can provide a wholesome understanding that allows parameters and considerations to guide the readers. Let’s take a look at this in detail:

1. Strategy

Definition: Strategy refers to the overall plan and long-term vision that guides the direction of the guide. It sets the purpose, goals, and desired outcomes.

How to Implement:

Define the Purpose: Clearly articulate the goal of your how-to guide. What problem does it solve, and why is it important?
Identify the Audience: Understand who will use this guide and tailor your content to meet their needs and skill levels.
Set Clear Objectives: Outline what you want the readers to achieve by following the guide.
Determine Resources: Identify the resources, tools, and knowledge required to implement the strategy.

2. Tactics

Definition: Tactics are the specific actions or methods used to achieve the strategic objectives. They are more flexible and can be adapted as needed.

How to Implement:

Break Down Objectives: Divide the strategic objectives into smaller, manageable components.
Choose Methods: Select the best methods or approaches to achieve each component. Consider various options and their potential impact.
Prioritise Actions: Determine the order of actions based on their importance and urgency.

3. Operational Planning

Definition: Operational planning involves creating detailed plans for executing tactics. It focuses on the day-to-day activities required to achieve the strategic goals.

How to Implement:

Develop a Timeline: Establish a schedule for completing each task and action within the guide.
Allocate Resources: Assign resources such as time, personnel, and equipment to each task.
Set Milestones: Identify key milestones to track progress and make necessary adjustments.
Create Contingency Plans: Prepare for potential challenges and develop plans to address them.

4. Procedures

Definition: Procedures are the step-by-step instructions that outline how to perform specific tasks. They ensure consistency and accuracy in execution.

How to Implement:

List Steps Clearly: Write clear and concise steps for each task. Use numbered lists or bullet points for easy reference.
Include Details: Provide necessary details, such as measurements, tools, or specific actions needed for each step.
Use Visual Aids: Incorporate diagrams, images, or videos to enhance understanding and clarity.

5. Techniques

Definition: Techniques are the specialised skills or methods required to perform tasks effectively. They enhance the quality and efficiency of the work.

How to Implement:

Identify Techniques: Determine which techniques are essential for executing tasks within the guide.
Provide Instructions: Offer detailed explanations or demonstrations of each technique.
Encourage Practice: Suggest ways for users to practice and improve their proficiency in each technique.

6. Actions

Definition: Actions are the specific steps taken to execute a plan or procedure. They are the building blocks of the guide’s implementation.

How to Implement:

Outline Actions: Clearly define the actions needed to complete each step of the guide.
Ensure Clarity: Use simple and direct language to describe each action.
Verify Feasibility: Ensure that actions are realistic and achievable within the available resources and constraints.

7. Tasks

Definition: Tasks are the individual pieces of work that need to be completed to achieve the guide’s objectives. They are the practical elements of the guide.

How to Implement

List Tasks: Break down each procedure into smaller tasks for easier management.
Assign Responsibilities: If applicable, assign tasks to specific individuals or teams.
Track Progress: Monitor the completion of tasks to ensure the guide stays on track.

Let’s take the example of organising a community tree-planting event. Here’s how you can utilise each of these components:

Organising a Community Tree-Planting Event

1. Strategy

Definition: Strategy is the overall plan and vision for the event. It sets the purpose, goals, and desired outcomes.

Example Implementation:

Purpose: Promote environmental sustainability and community involvement by organising a tree-planting event.
Audience: Local community members, schools, and environmental organisations.
– Plant 500 trees in the local park.
– Engage 200 community volunteers.
– Raise awareness about the benefits of trees.
Determine Resources: Identify funding sources, partnerships, and necessary permits.

2. Tactics

Definition: Tactics are specific actions or methods to achieve strategic objectives. They provide a framework for implementing the strategy.

Example Implementation:

Partnership Development: Collaborate with local businesses, schools, and environmental organisations for support and resources.
Volunteer Recruitment: Use social media, local newsletters, and flyers to attract volunteers.
Event Promotion: Develop a marketing plan to promote the event through various channels.
Logistics Planning: Plan the event layout, equipment, and supplies needed for the day.

3. Operational Planning

Definition: Operational planning involves creating detailed plans for executing tactics. It focuses on the day-to-day activities required to achieve the strategic goals.

Example Implementation:

Develop a Timeline:
2 Months Before: Begin partnership outreach and secure permits.
1 Month Before: Start volunteer recruitment and promotion.
1 Week Before: Confirm logistics and prepare materials.
Allocate Resources: Assign tasks to team members and allocate budget for materials and promotions.
Set Milestones:
– Secure partnerships by [date].
– Recruit 100 volunteers by [date].
– Complete promotional materials by [date].
Create Contingency Plans: Plan for potential weather issues and have a backup date.

4. Procedures

Definition: Procedures are the step-by-step instructions outlining how to perform specific tasks. They ensure consistency and accuracy in execution.

Example Implementation:

  1. Site Preparation:
    Select Tree Planting Sites: Coordinate with local authorities to choose appropriate areas.
    Mark Planting Spots: Use flags or markers to indicate planting locations.
    2. Volunteer Coordination:
    Check-In Process: Set up a check-in booth for volunteers.
    Assign Roles: Distribute tasks such as planting, watering, and guiding volunteers.
    3. Tree Planting:
    Digging Holes: Use shovels to dig holes according to tree size.
    Planting Trees: Place trees in holes, ensuring roots are covered with soil.
    Watering Trees: Water each tree after planting.
    4. Post-Event Cleanup:
    Collect Tools: Gather all equipment and materials.
    Dispose of Waste: Properly dispose of any waste or debris.

5. Techniques

Definition: Techniques are the specialised skills or methods required to perform tasks effectively. They enhance the quality and efficiency of the work.

Example Implementation:

Tree Planting Techniques:
Proper Digging: Demonstrate how to dig holes of the correct depth and width.
Tree Positioning: Explain how to position the tree to ensure healthy growth.
Root Handling: Show how to handle roots to prevent damage.
Volunteer Engagement Techniques:
Motivational Talks: Provide engaging talks to inspire volunteers.
Team Building: Organise team-building activities to encourage collaboration.

6. Actions

Definition: Actions are the specific steps taken to execute a plan or procedure. They are the building blocks of the guide’s implementation.

Example Implementation:

Identify Sites: Visit and select tree planting locations in the park.
Create Promotional Materials: Design flyers and social media posts to promote the event.
Recruit Volunteers: Contact local organisations and schools for volunteer support.
Prepare Supplies: Gather tools, gloves, and other necessary materials for the event.

7. Tasks

Definition: Tasks are the individual pieces of work that need to be completed to achieve the guide’s objectives. They are the practical elements of the guide.

Example Implementation:

– Secure Permits: Contact local authorities to obtain necessary permits.
– Design Flyers: Create visually appealing flyers for event promotion.
– Coordinate with Partners: Schedule meetings with partner organizations.
– Organize Volunteer Teams: Divide volunteers into teams and assign specific tasks.
– Set Up Event Space: Arrange tables, tents, and equipment on the day of the event.
– Conduct Training: Provide training for volunteers on planting techniques and safety measures.

Bringing It All Together

By breaking down the process into these components, you create a well-organised and actionable how-to guide that is easy to follow and implement. Here’s a summary of how these elements fit together:

Strategy provides the overarching plan and goals for the event.
Tactics offer the methods and approaches to achieve the strategy.
Operational Planning creates detailed plans for executing the tactics.
Procedures give step-by-step instructions for specific tasks.
Techniques provide specialised skills to enhance task execution.
Actions outline the specific steps needed to implement the plan.
Tasks break down actions into manageable workpieces.

This structured approach ensures clarity, efficiency, and successful outcomes for organising a community tree-planting event.

A comprehensive how-to guide serves as a valuable tool for project managers, providing a structured approach to planning and execution. It helps in aligning efforts, optimising resources, managing risks, ensuring quality, and enhancing team engagement.

If you like to use such a planning framework for your project, you can copy and edit the following prompt:

Create an example of a straightforward guide on a [the thing you want to create], by breaking down the guide into:

  • Strategy
  • Tactic
  • Operational planning
  • Procedures
  • Techniques
  • Actions
  • Tasks