Frequent users of ChatGPT might notice a certain familiarity in the responses they get over time. This can lead to the sentiment that “you can sometimes tell if it’s a ChatGPT answer.” For content creators like us, this is a significant concern.

We’ve been working with generative AI tools like Jasper, ChatGPT, and Bard since mid-2022, and by early 2023, we had deeply integrated these tools into our daily workflows—from brainstorming to strategy to content production. As creative content makers, the question of originality is paramount. Here’s why:

  • Authenticity: We want our content to be a reflection of us—shaped and inspired by our unique perspectives. We need to be able to take responsibility and moral ownership of our work.
  • Intellectual Property: We aim to avoid any issues related to copying or intellectual property claims. It’s essential that our content is genuinely our own.
  • Credibility: The last thing we want is for a client to say, “Your copy/idaea sounds exactly like what I generated with ChatGPT… so why do I need you?” Our expertise should be evident in the originality of our work.

So, how do you ensure originality when using ChatGPT?

What Do We Mean by “Originality”?

When we talk about originality, we’re referring to several key elements:

  • Independence: Original content isn’t merely a rehash of existing sources. It draws from a variety of inputs—whether from articles, experiences, or inferred from the questions asked—and presents something new. Example: If you’re writing a blog post on “The Future of Remote Work,” don’t just ask ChatGPT for trends. Instead, provide it with specific data points you’ve gathered, such as survey results from your own network, and ask for an analysis that combines these with broader industry trends.
  • Uniqueness: The content should be uncommon, out-of-the-box, and rare in its approach or conclusions. It should stand out in a crowded content landscape. Instead of a standard list of benefits of remote work, challenge ChatGPT to explore unexpected drawbacks or unique benefits that haven’t been widely discussed, perhaps by framing your questions to encourage a more unconventional angle.
  • Character: This includes the style, tone, and knowledge base behind the content. These elements give the content its distinct voice, making it unmistakably yours. If your brand is known for a witty and irreverent tone, make sure you guide ChatGPT with specific instructions to reflect that style. This could mean editing its responses to add humour or a particular narrative flair.

Our System for Generating Original Content

We’ve developed a system that goes beyond simply asking questions and receiving answers. It involves transforming information into insights, insights into material, and material into content. Here’s how we break it down:

  • Turning Information into Insights:
    – To extract insights from information, you need perspective. This involves analysing the data from different angles, understanding context, and drawing conclusions that aren’t immediately obvious.
    – Practical Approach: Start by feeding ChatGPT specific datasets, statistics, or case studies. Then, ask it to synthesise this information in ways that reveal new patterns or correlations. For instance, if you’re working with data on social media engagement, you might ask ChatGPT to analyse how engagement metrics vary by industry or demographic.
    – Pro Tip: Push for more than just surface-level analysis. Challenge the AI to compare, contrast, and hypothesize—prompting it with questions like “What if?” or “How might this change if…?”
  • Turning Insights into Material
    – Insights become material when they lead to actionable outcomes. This step is about figuring out how those insights can be applied to your specific needs, whether it’s for a campaign, an article, or a strategy.
    – Practical Approach: Once you have insights, consider how they can drive your content strategy. For example, if an insight reveals that certain content types resonate more with your audience, use this to guide your editorial calendar. Ask ChatGPT to generate content ideas based on this insight, tailoring them to fit different formats—blogs, videos, infographics, etc.
    – Pro Tip: Don’t just take the first output. Refine the ideas by feeding them back into ChatGPT with additional context or constraints. This iterative process can help evolve raw insights into fully fleshed-out content material.
  • Turning Material into Content
    – Finally, material becomes content when it’s given a structure. This is where creativity comes in—organising the material in a way that is engaging, coherent, and resonates with your audience.
    – Practical Approach: Structure is key to effective content. If you’re developing a whitepaper, for instance, start by outlining the key sections. Use ChatGPT to expand on each section, ensuring that the flow is logical and the arguments build upon each other. For more dynamic content, like videos or podcasts, consider how the material can be segmented into episodes or chapters, and use ChatGPT to draught scripts or talking points.
    – Pro Tip: Make sure to infuse your unique voice and brand personality into the final content. ChatGPT can provide the skeleton, but it’s your creativity that will breathe life into it—whether through custom visuals, anecdotes, or personal commentary.

Enhancing Originality with Human Touch

While ChatGPT can generate vast amounts of content quickly, true originality often comes from the human touch. Here are some strategies to enhance the originality of AI-generated content:

  • Post-Editing:
    – After generating content with ChatGPT, spend time revising and editing. This allows you to inject your own insights, refine the language, and ensure the content aligns with your voice and objectives.
  • Blending Sources:
    – Combine AI-generated content with other research, interviews, or case studies. This blend can create a richer, more nuanced piece that’s harder to trace back to AI.
  • Iterative Development:
    – Use ChatGPT as a brainstorming partner. Generate multiple draughts, combine the best elements from each, and iteratively refine the content. This process helps in creating a final product that is layered and original.
  • Personalisation:
    – Personalise the content with anecdotes, client storeys, or unique data from your own business. This not only adds originality but also makes the content more relevant and engaging for your audience.

Embrace AI Without Losing Your Voice

AI tools like ChatGPT are powerful allies in content creation, but maintaining originality is crucial. By following a structured approach to content generation—transforming information into insights, insights into material, and material into content—you can ensure that your work remains authentic, unique, and reflective of your brand. With the right strategies, you can harness the power of AI while preserving the human creativity and ingenuity that sets your content apart.