Get “Original” Content from ChatGPT

Frequent users of ChatGPT might notice a certain familiarity in the responses they get over time. This can lead to the sentiment that “you can sometimes tell if it’s a ChatGPT answer.” For content creators like us, this is a significant concern....

Create a great project brief

If you don’t have a format for writing briefs or how-to instructions for your team, then STOPTAT. – Strategy- Tactics- Operational planning- Procedures- Techniques- Actions- Tasks The gold standard for getting a team aligned on upcoming actions are always SOPs...

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing refers to the use of digital technologies and platforms to promote and sell products or services. Unlike traditional marketing methods, digital marketing leverages the internet and electronic devices to connect with current and potential customers....

The number of content series do you actually need

When it comes to content marketing, one crucial decision is whether to focus on a single content topic or to diversify across multiple topics. Each strategy has its advantages, and the right choice depends on your business goals, target audience, and resources. Here’s...